Phân tích Đề Thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 17/04/2021

Đề bài

 It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environments, such as the South pole. 

Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?


Recent advancements in technology have enabled humans to travel to distant places in nature. This is scientifically beneficial to all societies, yet concurrent tourism activities can contaminate the pristine conditions of these places and negate the scientific benefits.

Being able to travel to these places is an unprecedented opportunity for scientific development and application, especially in the field of climatology. Scientists can now travel to pristine locations to collect live specimens, fossils and observe the local natural phenomena that may not have been documented before. For example, studying the layers of the ice cores from the North and South Poles has helped scientists to reconstruct the climatic trends and patterns which date back to millions of years. These findings can add valuable insights and revolutionise the way humans understand our environment in the past and the present. Recently, such findings have been extremely useful in the ongoing discussions on how to solve global issues such as global warming.



Despite unique opportunities it offers to the scientific community, traveling to unspoiled natural destinations could inflict irreparable damage on them when tourism is involved, thereby doing more harm than good. Littering and vandalism are two of some most pressing problems caused by tourism. For example, numerous mountain peaks which previously could only be reached by serious mountaineers have reportedly been polluted and defaced after the installation of aerial tramways which grants unrestricted access to all visitors. The aforementioned remote environments could suffer the same fate when waves of tourists frequently land there. Furthermore, the contamination brought to these locations by touristic activities could also interfere with the quality and accuracy of the scientific research carried out there.  

In conclusion, exploiting remote natural locations for tourism could nullify the scientific values they offer and even cause permanent damage to these places. Only selected organizations and individuals who follow strict rules and regulations to preserve these places should be allowed to access.

(318 words)



  • to contaminate /kənˈtæm.ə.neɪt/ (v): làm bẩn, gây ô nhiễm

  • pristine  /prɪˈstiːn/ (adj): nguyên sơ

  • climatology /ˌklaɪ.məˈtɑː.lə.dʒi/ (n): khí hậu học

  • unprecedented  /ʌnˈpres.ə.den.t̬ɪd/ (adj): chưa có tiền lệ

  • specimen  /ˈspes.ə.mɪn/ (n): mẫu, tiêu bản trong khoa học

  • phenomenon /fəˈnɑː.mə.nɑːn/ (n, số nhiều = phenomena): hiện tượng

  • to date back to (expression): bắt đầu từ (năm nào đó)

  • irreparable /ɪˈrepərəbəl/ (adj): không thể khôi phục

  • insight  /ˈɪnsaɪt/  (n): sự thấu hiểu, kiến thức sâu

  • ongoing /ˈɒnˌɡəʊɪŋ/ (adj): đang diễn ra

  • vandalism /ˈvændəl-ɪzəm/(n): việc phá hoại tài sản công (kể cả môi trường tự nhiên). 

  • unspoiled /ˌʌnˈspɔɪld/ (adj): đồng nghĩa với pristine

  • to deface /dɪˈfeɪs/ (v): làm xấu đi, làm hư hại vẻ đẹp 

  • aerial tramway  /ˈeəriəl træmwei/ (n): cáp treo

  • mountaineer /ˌmaʊntəˈnɪə/ (n): vận động viên leo núi

  • aforementioned  /əˈfɔːmenʃənd/(adj): đã được nhắc đến

  • to interfere /ˌɪntəˈfɪə/(v): gây gián đoạn, làm ảnh hưởng tiêu cực 

  • permanent  /ˈpɜːmənənt/(adj): vĩnh viễn

  • to preserve /prɪˈzɜːv/ (v): bảo tồn

(Nguồn: Sưu tầm)