Có nên sử dụng Idioms trong IELTS Speaking hay không?

“One of the things that separates native English speakers from those learning the language is the correct use of idioms. In the IELTS speaking test they can really help boost your score, if used properly, however, they can also lower your score, if you don’t use them correctly.
  • Nên sử dụng idioms trong phần Writing hay Speaking?

Idioms are used informally most of time and should therefore not be used in the writing test.
Spoken English is normally much less formal than academic written English, so it is fine to use them in the speaking test.
  • Idioms có thể tăng điểm phần Speaking của bạn hay không?

The picture above shows part of the band descriptors for speaking. The 3 bands of above are 7, 8 and 9. As you can see, using idioms, even with some inappropriate choices, is typical of a band 7 candidate. By using them skillfully, with only occasional inaccuracies you are likely to get an 8 in this category. Rarely students use them perfectly and this is typical of someone who reaches a 9.
  • Chúng ta có nên học thuộc thật nhiều từ vựng hay không?

Absolutely not! This is one of the most common mistakes in the IELTS speaking test. Lots of students think that simply learning lots of idioms and then using them in the test will help them get a high score. In fact, the opposite is true. Examiners are trained to spot people trying to use idioms that are inappropriate.
It all depends on the context and if you don’t use them correctly, they will sound very forced and unnatural.
  • Vậy sử dụng chúng như thế nào thì hiệu quả?

You should only use idioms if you have heard how they are used in context and you are 100% sure you are using them in the correct way. This may sound harsh, but it is better than losing marks.

HƯỚNG DẪN HỌC SPEAKING ĐỂ ĐẠT BAND 9.0: Luyện Speaking với ai, ở đâu?
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