IELTS Speaking part 2 - Describe A Close Friend

Các bạn đã biết cách luyện IELTS Speaking chưa! Hãy luyện theo các phần Part 1, 2 and 3 và luyện theo topic nhé! Vì đề thi IELTS chỉ xoay quanh những topic như family, friends... thôi. Nếu các bạn ôn đúng cách mình tin các bạn sẽ dễ dàng đạt được 7.0 hoặc 7.5 của Speaking. Dưới đây là một topic về friends các bạn có thể tham khảo câu trả lời này là tự làm cho mình một câu trả lời khác rồi mỗi ngày bỏ ra 2 phút để record lại nhé! vì trong phần thi các giám khảo sẽ record bài nói của các bạn và chấm điểm. Hãy làm ngay hôm nay nha!
Describe a close friend
You should say
How long you have known this person?
How you met ?
What kine of person he / she is?
and explain why you like him/her
The answer:
- Good morning/afternoon sir/ mamdam
- My name is ......
- Very nice to meet you
- well, Today, I would like to talk about describe a close friend. One of my best friends is a guy called ( name). I met him at university in Ho Chi Minh city where we were the same study group. when was that? I suppose it was over 4 years ago now, so, yes, we know each other for a good aquare decade.  We got to know each other on the tennis courts because the first few days of our course were so boring that we both decided we'd be better off outside playing tennis.
What kind of person is he? He's very active, a sporty type, involved in football and volleyball - He's also determind person. When he gets into something, He gives one hundred per cent. And he chandes passions often. That makes him a bit of self-absorbed person actually, which I'd say is a drawback. And I think he comes across as a full of himeself sometimes. I mean a bit too sure of his own oppinions! As for why I like him, well, he's actually quite different from me. At uiniversity, he'd often suggest doing something and I'd go along with it, and because I'm laid back I never felt overwhelmied by him. we never fallen out of anything.