IELTS Speaking: Tổng hợp các câu hỏi về chủ đề Gifts

 Gifts and You
  • Do you ever give people gifts?
  • Do you often give gifts to people?
  • Do you ever receive gifts?
  • Do you like receiving presents?
  • What was the last gift you received?
  • When was the last time you received a gift?
  • (Similar to above) Have your friends ever given you gifts?
  • What's your favourite (or, the best) gift you have ever received?
  • (Similar to above) What's the most useful gift you have ever received?
  • Have you ever received a gift that you disliked?
  • What gift(s) do you (or, did you) like the least?
  • Do you prefer receiving a gift or giving a gift?
  • (Similar to above) Which do you think is better, to receive a gift or to give a gift?
  • What was the last gift you gave someone?
  • Who did you last give a gift to?
  • Do you like giving presents to other people? (Why?/Why not?)
  • (Similar to above) Do you often give presents to other people? (Why?/Why not?)
  • Do you and your friends or family members give each other gifts?
  • (Similar to above) Do you often buy gifts for friends or family members?
  • What sorts of gifts do you give to your family and friends?
  • What sorts of gifts do you give to your friends?
  • Do you think it's easy to choose what to give other people?
  • When considering a present to give to someone, how do you (or, how do people) select this gift?
  • Do you think it's important to give expensive gifts?
  • Have you ever given someone a gift you made yourself?
  • Do you think gift-giving is very important?
  • Do you think it's difficult to choose what gift to give to people?
  • Is there anyone you'd like to give a present to?
     Gifts and People (in your country) in General
  • Do people in your country like to (or often) give gifts (to other people)?
  • What sorts of things do people in Vietnam usually give as gifts? 
  • When do people in Vietnam give gifts? (On what occasions?/In what situations?)
  • (Similar to above) What are some of the gift-giving customs in Vietnam?
  • Why do they give these gifts?
  • In Vietnam, is it necessary to bring a gift when you visit someone?
  • What sorts of things do they bring?
  • In Vietnam, is it necessary to bring gifts when you return home after traveling to another place (such as overseas or a different part of Vietnam)?
  • Do you think it's ever a good idea to recycle a gift? 
  •  Do you think flowers are good gifts?