IELTS Writing Task 2: Chủ đề công nghệ

Topic: New technologies and ways of buying and selling are transforming the lives of consumers.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


New technologies, and in particular the Internet, are undoubtedly having a major impact on the way goods and services are bought and sold. In many countries, buying products online has become a mainstream activity. Now in the UK, for example, roughly 12 percent of all retail trade is conducted online. While some maintain that the actual impact of the Internet on shopping is negligible, I would argue that it is in fact quite significant for two main reasons.

“In particular”: đặc biệt là

In particular có thể đặt đầu, giữa hoặc cuối câu.

“Mainstream”: chủ đạo, chính thống

“Negligible”: không đáng kể, có thể bỏ qua

Bạn có thể dùng “I would argue that” ở phần mở bài của Writing Task 2 để trình bày ý kiến của mình (đồng ý hay không đồng ý) với vấn đề nêu trên.


The first main reason is that the development of online shopping has meant that the market for goods available to the individual has grown exponentially. It is possible to buy virtually anything from what has effectively become a world-wide retail market: exotic foods, art works, rare books, adventure holidays; the list is endless. Products that were once only available to those who lived in large cosmopolitan cities with a wide variety of shops can now be bought by those living in small towns with few local amenities.

“Exponentially”: theo hàm mũ, theo cấp số nhân

Đây là trạng từ dùng để chỉ điều gì gia tăng nhanh chóng, hãy áp dụng trạng từ này khi bạn muốn nói về số liệu.

“Amenity”: tiện nghi

Another significant reason is that the buyer can have more control over the process. Price comparison websites make it easier to find bargains. Shopping can be done at any time of the day or night, and shoppers can browse for as long as they like without pressure from sales assistants. This means that shoppers can potentially become more astute and knowledgeable about the products they are buying. Because of the greater competition involved in trading within a large market, sellers may have to improve the quality of their products.

“Bargain”: giá thấp hơn giá trị thực

“at any time of the day or night”: vào bất cứ thời gian nào trong ngày

Ngoài ra bạn có thể thay “time” bằng “hour, moment”.

“astute”: sắc sảo, mánh khóe


In short, experience suggests that online shopping has shifted the balance of power in favour of the consumer. Consumers not only have wider access to goods but also have greater access to information and more control over how they shop.

“In short”: Nói tóm lại, kết luận là

Bổ sung vào kho từ vựng của bạn một cụm từ giúp để kết bài nữa chính là “In short”. Hãy dùng “in short” nếu như bạn muốn thay thế các cụm từ nối dưới đây để dẫn đến kế bài nhé: to sum up, in sum, in conclusion, overall,...

“in favour of”: có thiện cảm/ủng hộ cái gì; có lợi cho cái gì

Trong ngữ cảnh bài này thì “in favour of” sẽ có nghĩa là “có lợi cho” nhé.