Từ vựng Speaking IELTS chủ đề Study

Chủ đề về Study là một trong số các chủ đề trọng tâm không thể bỏ qua. Đây cũng là chủ đề mà các examiner hay hỏi nhất sau khi hỏi một số câu hỏi liên quan tới sở thích, thói quen thường ngày của bạn. Do đó, bài viết dưới đây sẽ giúp các bạn “bỏ túi” một số vốn từ nâng cao để dùng được trong IELTS Speaking.

Play truant / pleɪ ˈtruːənt/(v) : trốn học

Example: Most parents are horrified when they discover their children have been playing truant from school.

Academic transcript /ˌækəˈdemɪk ˈtrænskrɪpt / : bảng điểm

Example: You'll receive an official academic transcript when you graduate.

Drop out (of school) /drɑːp aʊt/, học sinh bỏ học

Example: Because his family was poor, he dropped out of school when he was only 16.

Tutorial /tuːˈtɔːriəl /: dạy thêm, học thêm

Example: Each module involves 18 hours of lectures, plus additional practical and tutorial sessions.

Distance education /ˈdɪstəns ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn /: đào tạo từ xa

Example: Distance education has great potential to widen access to education.

Vocational training /voʊˈkeɪʃənl ˈtreɪnɪŋ / : đào tạo nghề

Example: Vocational education and training, allows students to gain practical experience in their chosen career path before they even graduate.

Tutor /tuːtər/: giáo viên dạy thêm

Example: His parents got him a tutor to help with his maths.

Conduct /kənˈdʌkt /: hạnh kiểm

Example: The club has a strict code (= set of rules) of conduct.

 Dormitory /ˈdɔːrmətɔːri/ (dorm /dɔːrm/): ký túc xá

Example: Female students under twenty-one were required to live in dormitories or approved residences

Recess /rɪˈses/: nghỉ giải lao (giữa giờ)

Example: Congress will return in January from its holiday recess.

Extra curriculum /ˈekstrə kəˈrɪkjələm/: ngoại khóa

Example: Though the educational program is designed for college-bound students, great attention is also paid to athletics and extracurricular activities.

Enrolment /ɪnˈroʊlmənt /; số lượng học sinh nhập học

Example: It is the student's responsibility to arrange for payment in full on or before enrolment.

Hall of fame /hɔːl əv feɪm /: phòng truyền thống

Example: Kogyo has a firm place in the hall of fame of Japanese woodblock print artists.

Learner-centered /ˈlɜːrnər ˈsentərd/, learner-centeredness /ˈlɜːrnər sentərdnəs/: phương pháp lấy người học làm trung tâm

Example: The learner-centered approach puts participant's interests first by acknowledging their needs as central.

Physical education /ˈfɪzɪkl ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn/: thể dục

Example: Thanks to physical eduation, kids also develop skills necessary to participate in a wide range of activities, such as soccer, basketball, or swimming.